Crystal Shapes and How They Work
Crystals are commonly shaped into geometric shapes and designs for energy, healing and metaphysical use. Do you ever wonder what the difference is between a gemstone pyramid and a gemstone sphere? Do you wonder which would work best for your application? Below we will briefly explore 6 common crystal shapes and how they are used.

Since ancient civilizations, pyramids have been a source of focused energy and power. Pyramids amplify and then tightly focus energy through the apex. A crystal pyramid is a powerful tool that can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the environment and to infuse positive energy. A gemstone pyramid is also used to enhance and focus the properties of the stone it is made of. Pyramids attract energy, transform it and release it into their environment. Pyramids can be used to channel, cleanse, and direct energies throughout your home or sacred space. Anywhere where there is a pyramid, energy won't become stagnant. Crystal pyramids are also very powerful center stones for crystal grids.

Spheres generate energy in all directions equally moving energy through the entire environment. The sphere represents wholeness, unity, completeness, infinity, the planets, moon, sun and the universe. They represent the whole self and raise self awareness, power and better union of the mind, body and spirit. They also symbolize a connection with the universe in which we live. Spheres are often used as a decoration that can infuse gemstone energy in all directions, for scrying, cleansing, gazing, meditation and for healing. They are also a symbol of hidden wisdom and can be used to get in touch with the past or look into the future.

Merkaba Stars can be used for energy work, for meditation, to brighten up the energy in a room, or with energy grids.
Merkabas are tetrahedrons, made by the intersection of two, three-sided pyramids. Merkabas are great tools for working on your spiritual transformation, which some believe is the whole purpose of our existence. Merkabas are believed to form a spiritual shield around the holder. In upper dimensions, the geometric shape of the human energy field is said to be in the shape of a Merkaba. Thus, meditating with a Merkaba helps us to connect with our higher self.

Gemstone Eggs symbolize rebirth, fertility, resurrection, and new beginnings. They confine and shape energy which flows through the pointed end. The pointed end is very useful for massage, reflexology and acupressure. Eggs are comforting and are useful to detect and rebalance blockages.
Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a symbol of life, shared roots, ancestry, history, lineage and the future. Seeds sprout, grow into a trunk, then send out smaller branches that make leaves and reach out for the light. Similarly, all beings are interrelated and each one of us goes through a metaphysical process of growing or ascension until we reach what we are meant to be. The tree of life is a symbol of this. The roots and branches show where we have come from and where we diverge. It is our earth family, beyond earth family and our connection with nature. It is also a symbol of inter-dimensional connectedness. We are rooted in the earth plane but reaching for the spiritual realms. The roots of the tree of life dig deep and reach into the earth. The trunk establishes a foundation. The branches reach out for sustenance.The leaves reach out for the sun and collect strength. The leaves are thought to be the healing part of the tree which is why the healing crystals represent the leaves. The tree of life symbolizes the nurturing aspects of life and personal growth.
Crystal Points

Crystals that are shaped into a point focus the energy of the crystal out through the point. Double terminated pencil points focus the energy out of both ends while single terminated points focus the energy out of one end of the crystal. Points are great for crystal grids, jewelry making, or in any application where focused energy is needed.
I hope this has been a helpful little guide.
- Namaste