A and S Crystals http://ascrystals.com Recent blog posts from my shop. en-US Crystal Shapes and How They Work A Brief Exploration of 6 Crystal Shapes and How They Work Wed, 18 Sep 2019 16:43:58 -0400 https://ascrystals.com/post/400496449055/crystal-shapes-and-how-they-work https://ascrystals.com/post/400496449055/crystal-shapes-and-how-they-work?pub=1568839438 The many ways to cleanse and charge crystals This blog post is dedicated to the many ways crystals can be cleansed and charged. Mon, 15 Jul 2019 16:31:17 -0400 https://ascrystals.com/post/312517285388/the-many-ways-to-cleanse-and-charge https://ascrystals.com/post/312517285388/the-many-ways-to-cleanse-and-charge?pub=1563222677 Connecting with your Crystals How to connect with your new crystal.

So, you have carefully chosen a crystal and brought it home from your favorite crystals shop or unpacked it if it arrived from your favorite online store. You marvel at it's beauty, read about it's properties, but how do you really connect with it?
Tue, 04 Sep 2018 16:10:48 -0400 https://ascrystals.com/post/319199567269/connecting-with-your-crystals https://ascrystals.com/post/319199567269/connecting-with-your-crystals?pub=1536091848
New to crystal collecting? Must have crystals for the beginning collector. New to crystal collecting? 10 "must have" crystals for the beginning collector. Wed, 09 May 2018 15:42:47 -0400 https://ascrystals.com/post/310831102836/new-to-crystal-collecting-must-have https://ascrystals.com/post/310831102836/new-to-crystal-collecting-must-have?pub=1525894967 Welcome to our new website and blog! Announcing our new website and blog! Fri, 04 May 2018 10:09:11 -0400 https://ascrystals.com/post/308452083520/welcome-to-our-new-website-and-blog https://ascrystals.com/post/308452083520/welcome-to-our-new-website-and-blog?pub=1525442951